Delivery policy:
UK Delivery: £9.50 for next day delivery.
Delivery within the UK mainland can vary in some locations. We will always notify of any additional carriage costs and you will be contacted by a member of our customer services team
If you are considering placing an order that requires a delivery outside the United Kingdom and need any more information please contact our customer services team.
We will arrange for the products to be delivered to the address for delivery indicated in your order.
Delivery Times:
We use reasonable endeavours to dispatch all orders within 24 hours within the UK mainland. However, we ask that you allow 3 – 5 Working Days for delivery during busy periods. Personalised equipment will generally be dispatched within 7-14 days from order unless specifically requested otherwise.
We carry a vast range of stock for all items on our website; however there are times when we receive an influx or orders for a particular product that results in us having to replenish our stock from suppliers. In situations where this occurs, items are normally dispatched within 3 to 10 Working Days and a member of our customer services team will be in touch to inform you of any delays.
Delivery within the UK mainland can vary in some locations such as; Northern Ireland, Scottish Highlands and the Scottish Islands. We will always notify of any additional carriage costs and you will contacted by a member of our customer services team.
If you are considering placing an order that requires a delivery outside the United Kingdom and need any more information please contact our customer services team.
Shipping methods can vary depending on your order and location, however we only use reputable companies such as; Parcel Force, Fed-Ex etc. In all instances parcels are sent securely and are tracked where possible so we know the location of every item leaving our depot to arriving at your door, you can ask for a tracking number at any time after an item has been dispatched. On rare occasions parcels may take a little longer to arrive due to harsh weather and other unforeseen circumstances, we ask for your patience in these times and assure you we will endeavour to get your items to you as soon as possible. Although every effort will be made to fulfil delivery dates, no liability arising from delay is accepted by us.
Any shortages or discrepancies must be reported within 3 days of delivery and confirmed in writing within 7 days of delivery or the claims will not be accepted by us.
It is the responsibility of the Buyer to examine goods for defects in materials and/or workmanship which are likely to cause damage or injury.